
Bongjun Oh, born 1983 in Seogwipo, Jeju island, South Korea, studied painting at the Kyonggi Fine Arts University in Suwon, before he finished his studies of painting and sculpture 2017 at HBK Saar, Germany, as Meisterschüler. He was awarded with the Neuköllner Kunstpreis 2022 (Sonderpreis) and the art award of Dr. Dieter & Ulrike Scheid foundation in 2015. In 2017 he recieved a travel grant from Berliner Senat (Los Angeles) together with Sarah Oh-Mock as oMo.

In his expansive installations it's possible to find both his interests in painting and sculpture: he arranges paintings and collagues to huge constellations, linked with the belonging room installations. Bongjun Oh likes to work with old material and concentrates on working with the topic caducity.

2012 he was founding member of the studio Creyoung, Saarbrücken/ GER, 2013 of the german- korean artist group Dok-Han and 2016 of the oMo artspace in Berlin together with his partner Sarah Oh-Mock.With her, he also realized 2017 the cooking performance Es schwefelt uns silbert, the photo serial Acht Stufen / 지속 in the Kunstverein Wolfenbüttel and 2018 the installation Le Fin, exhibited in the Tapetenwerk Leipzig and Musée Boribana, Dakar, Senegal.

In Berlin, his works were exhibited in the Kunsthalle at the Hamburger Platz, the Kreuzberg-Pavillon, betakontext, Artist Homes and the represenation of the state of Saarland in Berlin, also in many other cities in Germany, France and South Korea.

contact: jasonobj@gmail.com

june 28th to 30th 2024: All in. Future Agglomeration, oMo artspace Berlin

september 9th to november 26th, 2023: Homo migratio《이주하는 인간-호모 미그라티오》, Jeju Museum of Art, Jeju, KOR

june 23th to 25th 2023: Teleidoscope. The Melting Mirror, oMo artspace Berlin

january 23th to february 5th 2023: (((transponder))) ctmVorspiel x transmediale x Alte Münze, Berlin

february 11th to april 24th, 2022: Neuköllner Kunstpreis, Saalbau Neukölln, Berlin

october 8th to november 8th, 2021: Fragments of Hybrid Soup, Turba Factory, Berlin

september 3th to october 16th, 2021: BOYS BOIS BEUYS, Projektraum Galerie M, Berlin

september 30th to october 16th, 2020: Artchemy Laboratory- The G-Files. Seetangraum, Jeju-Si, Jeju, KOR  (with Sarah Oh-Mock)

Copyright @ Bongjun Oh